For Some it’s the weekend. For Us it’s research.
This was an advertising tag line we put together at Trailblazer RV in 2006. It is inspired by the number of staff at Trailblazer RV that enjoy the RV lifestyle. Over my 40 years in the RV industry, I have been able to use various types of RV’s. There is no better way to learn about the industry.
When I started in the RV industry in 1982 the tent trailer was the most popular RV. The tent trailer was popular as it offered plenty of sleeping and could be pulled by the family car. Cars could pull 2000lbs. There were very few family trucks. Today the tent trailer isn’t a popular choice. They are expensive and vehicles are more capable or can’t tow at all.

My love of boating determined my RV choices over the years. I really enjoyed the truck & slide-in camper. It allowed me to tow a boat. The issue with the truck campers is it takes a lot of truck to carry a camper. I have used more truck campers than any other RV. Even the smallest campers are a lot for a ¾ ton truck. Really a 1 ton is the truck for a camper. Today’s truck campers with slide-outs even push the capability of a 1-ton truck. Owning a 1-ton truck is great when you are using it to go RVing but the rest of the year it is a liability. Expensive to operate and a pain to park as a daily driver.

2007, I traded the diesel truck for a ½ ton truck. The best value for the RV dollar. The ½ ton with a travel trailer is hard to beat. My love of boating transitioned to a canoe then the aluminium boat. I really enjoyed not having a big boat to look after. The canoe or aluminum boat made smaller quieter lakes assessable. I got tired of the antics of busy boat launches and large power boats. The 1/2ton truck with travel trailer is the most versatile and affordable of RV packages.

There are so many things that make the truck and trailer perfect. The ability to leave the trailer at the campground and explore with the tow vehicle is extremely important. I have used class c motorhomes and class b vans. The disadvantage is not having vehicle to drive once you setup camp.

Over 40 years in the RV industry. I have almost always had a truck. As a city dweller, parking and driving a ½ ton became tiring. 2 years ago, I got a chance to trade to a mid-size SUV. I thought I would give it a try. The ½ ton was too long to fit in my garage but a mid-size SUV would fit. I know it’s a small thing but having a vehicle that will fit in the garage has been amazing. The mid-size SUV is easier to park and way easier on gas when not towing.